About Me

For the last 20 years, I have researched and developed autonomous systems for academia and industry in the biomedical and defense fields. As a principal robotic engineer, I have created secure cyber-physical systems to assist or replace high-risk human tasks. The common objective of my past experiences has been to make a more intelligent world where people can thrive safely and securely. My research focuses on multi-agent cyber-physical systems and algorithms that allow them to make intelligent decisions in active and uncertain environments. This research is motivated by real-world applications, such as environmental monitoring, maritime systems, precision agriculture, and search and rescue. These systems utilized advanced technologies such as decentralized sensor fusion, edge computing, machine learning, autonomous robotics, and mechatronics. Research into the integration of these disciplines for advanced autonomy will require cross-disciplinary collaboration from all branches of engineering.

My industry experience has given me a deep appreciation of balancing academic research with commercial needs. I have supervised successful projects in industry, including developing autonomous underwater vehicles for maritime applications and mechatronic robots for industrial automation.

I have been committed to teaching and mentoring students through lectures, tutorials, and direct lab sessions. I aim to foster the next wave of engineers who can design and develop intelligent systems that can make a real difference in people’s lives.